Wednesday, July 19, 2006

My Barking Neighbor

Ok, so last night at just after 530p I put the dog outside on her run. I had not even been in the house 5 minutes (Now I know it had not even been 5 minutes because as I walked in the door I took food that I had started for dinner out of the microwave which beeped as I walked in the door, and stirred it up with the rest of the ingredients that were already ready on the stove to put into the oven and it was as I was adding the ingredients that the phone rang), when my phone rings and my neighbor Scott is complaining that the dog is barking(5:41 by caller id). Ok, I explained that I would have her in within 10 minutes she had not been out all day. He then starts ranting and raving that we need to move her to the other side of the house because she drives him crazy and "he just wants some peace and quiet and since you are (meaning me) home all day and I just got home from a 15 hour shift." Well when he started yelling at me, I hung up on him telling him I would take care of it.

Now the reason she is not on the other side of the house is because where we had been putting her has become infested with poison ivy and I don't know about you but I would rather not have her get it on her fur and bring it into the house to spread to all of us human folk. I have the stuff to get rid of the poison ivy but with 2 kids and wind and rain it has not been possible to apply it.

Well, I had brought her into the house within those ten minutes, after I finished putting the dinner that I had started. He called back again (6:00pm by caller id) and starts swearing at me about if we want to be "bastard neighbors and f****** this and F****** that" so I hung up on him again. Well, after he called the first time he went and lined up all of his outdoor equipment ( a riding lawn mower, push mower and a chipper thing) along the fence line and turned them on. (this would only make Charli bark more LOL) but since I brought her inside by the time all of them were set up it was a waste of $3/gal gasoline, his stupid waste)

We have had conversations with this guy in the past and had made accommodations by moving her to the other side of the yard when we put her out but again Poison Ivy has infested where we put her. But we recently had one with him that if we kept her from the backyard on Sundays he would be happy because that is his "only day off", well last I checked yesterday was Tuesday and it was before 6 pm and she has to take a crap somewhere so maybe I will start walking her in his yard if it will make him happy. No only joking, I like his wife Christine way too much to do that and she has nothing to do with this because she could care less about the dog barking. I went to talk to her today and she is absolutely mortified about him calling. She feels like we live in the country get over it. But says that he is a very unhappy man and needs to be a control freak. They are now not talking AT ALL because she is so upset with him about yesterday. She told me she went and took the key out of the riding mower when he was not looking yesterday but did not know how to shut off the chipper so she just hid the key top the mower and left it at that. LOL.

So to continue, we called the dog officer who is one of Michaels coworkers wives and asked if there were any regulations for barking dogs and she said not that she takes care of except after 10pm and before 8am. So in actuality we are doing absolutely nothing wrong with our dog. But she recommends keeping track of when we put her out on the back run and any external factors that could cause her to bark while she is out there. So I guess that is my new activity. Writing a list of activity for the dog. She also recommended making note of the fact that he called and used profanity with me yesterday etc. Because that is not good for him if something were to happen in the future.

I feel a little better now just needed to rant and rave which is one reason to blog right. Thought I would include a picture of the DOG who is making my neighbor bark.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Neighbors Keep Their Noise To Themselves!
How rude to have a nuisance dog!!!!!!

She's probably afraid to have bad neighborly relations and agrees with you in your presence.

Be responsible and respectful and shut your dog up!
You may end up on Rotten Neighbors dot com with your home photos and address listed for the world to see. Google has a long memory and it will never go away.