Sunday, June 25, 2006

Allergic reaction

Jackie is allergic or at least sensitive to blueberries. Her favorite fruit of course.

Jackie and I spent the morning at the hospital yesterday after having an allergic reaction to blueberries. We got to take a trip in the ambulance to the hospital which I called(after Michael told me too of course) just in case she got any horrible symptoms while getting there. She was so good it was scary.

She had asked for them for breakfast and almost immediately after eating them was covered in hives, luckily she never had any breathing problems, but it was a little scary to say the least. I am going to call our primary on Monday to see about getting her seen by an allergist to see if she can be tested. I am glad it is something so easy to avoid but man can't one of my poor kids not have an allergic reaction to some sort of food.

No more blueberries for Jackie poor thing.

1 comment:

The Dew's said...

OMG you poor thing, you must have been a mess. I am soooooooooo sorry.