Thursday, March 16, 2006

What a day

Ok so here is my day so far have three appointments doctors and otherwise, have to pay the bills. Need to get in a walk or exercise somewhere, and I have to make cookies for N's school St. Patrick's day party tomorrow. Plus have a hockey banquet tonight with M.

I have gotten in 3 days of walking this week, for at least 30 minutes each day. I really am going to force myself to lose 10 pounds by Amy's wedding at the end of April. Or at least losing an inch or 2 or 3. I want to be comfortable in a swimsuit this summer since I finally am not so selfconcious about my chest. Well, need to get the kids ready. J's first speech therapy appointment is today, I hope all goes well. I can't wait for her to start talking.

Long Day going well so far.

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