Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Weight loss...

Ugh, what an ugly thing to have for a post, but I figure if I start to blog about it maybe it will help me take more weight off as the days go on. I have been going to Weight Watchers for 19 weeks and have bounced back and forth on my weight loss. I started at UGH 195 and am at 190.8 as of today. I was down 6/10 of a pound this week which I feel is great because I am not in a hurry. Because I would rather take it off slow and keep it off. I am determined to lose 5 pounds by Christmas, which means that I have 11 more weeks of weigh-ins to do it in (so about 1/2 pound a week).

Ok so... here are some scary facts:

I am 190.8 pounds and 5 feet 2 inches.
My BMI is 35 which is considered Obese.
My recommended weight is between 109 pounds and 131 pounds.
That means I need to LOSE 60 MORE pounds to be at the top of the healthy weight range.
1 pound of fat is equal to 4 sticks of butter

I know that I can lose the weight, because when I actually track what is going into my mouth I do really well that week. BUT, I have NOT been doing so good about staying on track. I find that if I do NOT GO to the WW meetings I am less likely to follow plan. It also helps to have a "partner" to do it with me. Luckily, I have a couple of friends who have joined so that does not seem like it is going to be a problem. The problem is the fact that I LOVE sweets. But I get to eat them "in moderation". My other problem is the fact that Michael does not seem willing to lose with me. He like sweets too, so it is hard for me when he brings stuff into the house. I want to feel like I have accopmplished something by getting back into my "old" clothes, although I think it may be a ways off before I get back into a size 6 or 8 I am looking forward to it.

So please help me on my way by supporting my decisions, BUT let ME make those decisions. I will update on weight loss as the weeks go by.

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