Monday, January 01, 2007


Happy New Year!

It is 2007, and I have decided that I need to make some resolutions.

1. Start maintaining my house daily, in that it always seems like I have to clean fairly hard whenever I ahve company coming over. I am hoping that the fact that I have made the basement into a finished play area for the kids so that I can keep their toys mainly out of my living room will help a little. I also have plans to try and organize everything, so that it will be easier to maintain. I really like having company but when people just stop over I am embarrased to have them come in and see the mess.

2. Lose 10-15 lbs by March and then re-evaluate. I eventually would like to get to 140-150lbs. I am at 185-190 right now. To meet this goal I am going to start going to the gym again, at least 2-3 times a week. I may even try to convince Michale to change gyms even though we could not have a better price plan at $10 per week but no daycare kills me. If I do not go to the gym I WILL work out to one of my many exercise videos instead. I will journal everything I eat to do this and drink at least 6 glasses of water a day to help with this goal.

3. Eat at least our dinner meal at the kitchen table every night. We are really lax about this we like to chill in front of the TV and the kids are sort of driving me crazy with their eating habits all of a sudden so I think that actually sitting at the table will help a little.

So there they are, my goals in writing. I plan to stick to them, and hope that putting them out there will only help.

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