Friday, June 23, 2006

AUGGH... Nate

Nate is driving me up a wall lately. He keeps blaming things on his sister or even the dog when I know he has done it, whatever IT happens to be at that exact moment. Pestering me when I have told him just one minute, etc. Not following directions and just all out testing me. He is driving me BONKERS.

I am getting to the point where I am going to have him in a timeout for most of the day soon. I have taken things away but it does not seem to be fazing him, unless it is video games and the computer. I think I will have to get rid of his games soon.

I am going to register him for some of the library programs tomorrow. They are having Jackson Gillman there who is supposed to be a "human chameleon" to start the summer reading program.

I also want to get our little pool set up so that we can enjoy the outdoors a little more. Although we went to the playground for about an hour yesterday and to Peaceful Meadows in Whitman today as well with the MOMS club.

I am hoping that having some things planned will keep him more content. He is SOOO busy it is hard to keep him entertained. I just need 5 -10 minutes to myself sometimes. It could just be that this is the week before my monthly visitor, but I don't think so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I' m currently blogging on account of a (depleted) living to someone else... but I like it. You' ve inspired me to keep doing it, and look to doing it against myself at once